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Cover Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for Risk-Based Evaluation of Scenarios

Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for Risk-Based Evaluation of Scenarios

Application guideline for the analysis of process-based scenarios for risk assessment of technical installations in the process industry

Since a standardization of how to use LOPA is vital to end up with consistent and robust results, an Austrian working group with participants from authorities, industry and risk experts established this guideline.

€ 34,90 (zzgl. 10 % USt € 3,49)

LOPA is a widely used methodology for risk-based assessments of process related scenarios in the process industries. Since a standardization of how to use the method is vital to end up with consistent and robust results, an Austrian working group with participants from authorities, industry and risk experts established this guideline. It should help the user in the application of LOPA also by means of eight worked examples coming from industrial practice.


   •   Preface
   •   Scope and Range of Application
   •   Risk Acceptance and Tolerance Limit Values
   •   The LOPA Method – an Overview
   •   Technical Initiating Events
   •   Human Failure
   •   Enabling Events
   •   Layers of Protection
   •   Conditional Modifiers
   •   Examples

Reinhard Preiss
was heading the Process Safety Division in TÜV AUSTRIA for 7 years, now he is responsible for international business development within TÜV AUSTRIA group.
Michael Struckl
is heading the Industrial Technology Division at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Economics.

Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for Risk-Based Evaluation of Scenarios
1st Edition 2014
Format: 16 x 22,5 cm, 80 pages, Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-901942-49-5
Price: € 34,90 (plus VAT and shipping costs)

Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for Risk-Based Evaluation of Scenarios
1st Edition 2014
Price: € 34,90 (plus VAT)

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Mag. Florian Kragolnik
Fachverlag Organisation & Verkauf

T: +43 (0)5 0454-8177
E: verlag@tuv.at

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