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Cover Whitepaper Trusted Artificial Intelligence

Whitepaper Trusted Artificial Intelligence

Towards Certification of Machine Learning Applications

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fastest growing technologies and accompanies us in our daily lives when interacting with technical applications. TÜV AUSTRIA in cooperation with the Institute for Machine Learning at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, proposes a certification process and an audit cataloque for Machine Learning applications.

€ 0,00

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fastest growing technologies of the 21st century and accompanies us in our daily lives when interacting with technical applications. However, reliance on such technical systems is crucial for their widespread applicability and acceptance. The societal tools to express reliance are usually formalized by lawful regulations, i.e., standards, norms, accreditations, and certificates.

Therefore, the TÜV AUSTRIA Group in cooperation with the Institute for Machine Learning at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, proposes a certification process and an audit cataloque for Machine Learning applications. We are convinced that our approach can serve as the foundation for the certification of applications that use Machine Learning and Deep Learning, the techniques that drive the current revolution in Artificial Intelligence.

While certain high-risk areas, such as fully autonomous robots in workspaces shared with humans, are still some time away from certification, we aim to cover low-risk applications with our certification procedure. Our holistic approach attempts to analyze Machine Learning applications from multiple perspectives to evaluate and verify the aspects of secure software development, functional requirements, data quality, data protection, and ethics. Inspired by existing work, we introduce four criticality levels to map the criticality of a Machine Learning application regarding the impact of its decisions on people, environment, and organizations.

Philip Matthias Winter 
Sebastian Eder 
Johannes Weissenböck 
Christoph Schwald 
Thomas Doms 
Tom Vogt 
Sepp Hochreiter 
Bernhard Nessler 

TÜV AUSTRIA Group, Johannes Kepler University Linz – Institute for Machine Learning

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Fachverlag Organisation & Verkauf

T: +43 (0)5 0454-8177
E: verlag@tuv.at
