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Why to go for e-learning? The use of e-learning programmes is flexible and ideal for training a large number of employees online. The choice of our e-learning packages is also flexible: You can either take advantage of the all-inclusive package and access the TÜV AUSTRIA learning platform. Or you can implement the learning programme in your existing learning management system with the selfservice package. Transfer knowledge online with the following e-learning programmes:

Online course or E-Learning-Programm Course for re-certification
Use this e-learning program to quickly and efficiently convey the same understanding of quality management to your employees and thus, establish a living quality culture in your company.


Online course or E-Learning-Programm Course for re-certification
Information security is not exclusively a topic for IT specialists. Each individual in the company contributes to the protection against damage to the organization and its systems.


Online course or E-Learning-Programm Course for re-certification
By using this e-learning training, organisations can increase their level of cyber security!


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We would also be pleased to provide you with a tailor-made offer for inhouse trainings. Curious? Click on the button below.

Inhouse Trainings


Yannick Maresch, ein Mann mit Brille, trägt ein grünes Hemd und blickt freundlich in die Kamera.

DI Yannick Maresch
E-Learning Organization & Sales

P: +43 (0)5 0454-8140
E: elearning@tuv.at

Demo versions

Give it a try! All demo versions of our e-learning programs you can find here.

Request test access now!

As a company, you don't have to buy a pig in a poke: Request a test access and try out the full version of the learning program for 21 days free of charge!

Your benefits at a glance