Certification of Engineers
Since 2017 the TÜV AUSTRIA ACADEMY is authorized by the Federal Ministry for digital and economic affairs as certification body for the engineer certification procedure of the technical fields.
The qualification ‘Engineer’ is conformable to law IngG 2017 and is assigned to Level 6 of the National Qualifications Framework (corresponds to Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework). This qualification is now an internationally comparable and recognized qualification and comparable with the level of a Bachelors degree.
Certified Engineers have successfully completed the certification procedure, consisting of an application, documentary examination and a technical discussion with two experts.
Holders of this qualification have advanced knowledge and skills in their technical field/s of work due to their higher technical qualification (assigned to NQF Level 5 or higher) and their subject-specific work in entrepreneurial practice of at least three years, after certain qualifications at least six years. Their knowledge and skills enable engineers to take on complex technical projects and work assignments with different requirements, where they generally enjoy wide leeway, much room for manoeuvre and large scope for decision-making.
Engineers are demanded and valued professionals in business.
The Engineer Register of the TÜV AUSTRIA ACADEMY certification body offers certified Engineers the opportunity to present their qualifications on an appropriate platform.