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About us

TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is the international educational institute of TÜV AUSTRIA with a training portfolio in the areas of safety, technology, environment, quality management and leadership. 

More than 15.000 participants attend the courses of TÜV AUSTRIA Academy each year. The training philosophy combines targeted know-how transfer with practical application for successful implementation in the company.

Our foreign branch offices offer our international clients courses in either the national language or in English. TÜV AUSTRIA Academy runs training centers in the following countries: 

Austria | Germany | GreecePoland RomaniaSlovenia | Turkey

See all TÜV AUSTRIA Group representations and branch offices here.

Ever since its founding in 1872, the core targets of TUV AUSTRIA have consistently been guaranteeing technical safety, protecting the environment and improving the quality of products and services. Services rendered to our customers have top priority and are based on our high competence in solving problems of any kind, on our communication abilities and on our impartiality. 
We stand for expert advice, know-how and profound knowledge of ways to minimize risks and problems. Furthermore, we attach major importance to the safety and reliability of installations and devices. 
Our employees successfully applied their approved knowledge at numerous projects and training courses both at home and abroad. With respect to upcoming projects, the TUV AUSTRIA Academy is looking forward to the challenges of the future with lots of innovation and dedication. 
TUV AUSTRIA Academy’s know-how ensures profound project management expertise and competent implementation. Its long-standing experience guarantees maximum sustainability of the project and training results.

Company of national distinction
This national distinction is awarded to companies, who have earned merit through their extraordinary accomplishments in Austrian business, and, who hold a nationwide leading and generally well respected position within their respective business area.

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 is an international standard for Quality Management Systems. The Quality Management System of TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is certified according to EN ISO 9001:2015.

ISO 21001:2018 
ISO 21001 is an international standard for Educational Organization Management Systems. The Management System of TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is certified according to ISO 21001:2018.

The Ö-Cert is awared to adult education organisations that perform high-quality work from an adult pedagogical point of view and can prove this according to the Ö-Cert criteria.

Best seminar provider 2022
In the seminar provider ranking of INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN, published by WEKA Industrie Medien, the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy was named the best seminar provider in the category “Complete Seminar Provider”.


Adam Freiherr von Burg, Wilhelm Exner


To teach and to learn: continuous education, the pursuit for greater understanding, the gift of ever broader comprehension are all as venerable as TUV itself. What was yet to be discovered and what is taken for granted today, how vessels bulging under stress of great pressure led to greater responsibilities and how all this is deeply connected with the founder of the Vienna Museum of Technology will be revealed in the following account of the TUV AUSTRIA Academy company history.

It is the latter half of the 19th century. The city of Vienna, capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is bustling with around two million people. Due in large part to engineering genius James Watt, the industrial revolution emerges as an unstoppable phenomenon: steam boilers are no longer exclusive to mining operations, boats and locomotive engines but briskly pervade all areas of industry.

Questionable responsibility overshadows push for industrial efficiency

Efficiency proves the driving force behind increasing pressure levels. Steam boilers are inevitably rendered exponentially more dangerous: European statistics record an average of three deaths every two days due to steam boiler explosions. With additional scores of wounded and substantial collateral damage to buildings, the situation has deteriorated so horrifically, immediate action is necessary.  

Wide gaps in technical safety must be mended and the irresponsible and embarrasing lack of expertise among inspection authorities has to be countered. So it is on June 11th, 1872 that representatives of the industry and trade branches congregate to found the "Dampfkessel-untersuchungs- und Versicherungsgesellschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit“ (eng. Mutual Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Society) – the precursor to the TUV AUSTRIA of today.

Saving lives and furthering the scientific cause

A machinery engineering graduate at the Imperial Polytechnical Institute, today's Technical University of Vienna, Wilhelm Exner quickly earns the reputation of a committed, exceedingly professional scientist, leaving no stone unturned in search of scientific insight for the good of man. As the third president of the society, Exner not only leads the society through the difficult times of the fall of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. 

It is indeed the charismatic genius engineer Exner who pushes for a steam and caloric testing laboratory to solve technical problems of third parties and conversely investigate new procedures and processes. Exner’s determination to advance technical knowledge and safety proves consummate. And so it is in 1909 that the government awards the testing laboratory its accreditation.

Prof. Exner furthermore writes a law that grants non-governmental enterprises the right to produce independently and objectively material testing certificates. This landmark law is so advanced and circumspect, it will remain effective for an astounding 84 years until 1994...


Testing, inspecting, monitoring, teaching: there were two key concerns when today’s TUV AUSTRIA was founded: collaborative study of technology and a constant exchange of experience. While a mere 1000 steam boilers had been registered for periodic inspection in 1872, the number rose to 3000 only three years later. Today, TUV AUSTRIA monitors 300.000 items of pressure equipment, in addition to 90.000 medical devices and 60.000 lifts.

To ensure that not even a single morsel of precious expertise crafted in the field is lost but studiously passed on, the TUV AUSTRIA Academy was founded in 1989.

Experience, collaboration and exchange: TUV AUSTRIA Academy

As the educational branch of TUV AUSTRIA Group’s sprawling operations, the goal and task of TUV AUSTRIA Academy are to teach the combined knowledge TUV experts accumulate in the five core areas: safety, technology, environment, quality and leadership. The Academy serves as a valuable platform where both trainers and students to learn from each others, benefitting immeasurably from their mutual practical experiences. As such, the TUV AUSTRIA Academy ensures that technological progress never overtakes TUV AUSTRIA’s vast educational efforts. For that much is certain: Technology is evolving ever more rapidly.

Technology is gaining in complexity. Laws are changing and safety awareness is increasingly acute. A comprehensive educational plan thus allows TUV AUSTRIA Academy graduates to keep up with technology, relying on the very expertise that forms the basis of their training. 

The importance of superior training

Prof. Wilhelm Exner already knew that technically well-trained personnel was always in great demand. Exner therefore did not only found TUV AUSTRIA for this reason, but also the Technical Trade Museum (TGM, Technische Gewerbe Museum) which offered training courses at the site of one of Vienna’s most popular cultural institutes, the WUK (House of Manufacture and Culture) and the famous Technical Museum of Vienna in Vienna’s 14th district.

Although the Technical Trade Museum has long since moved to Vienna’s 20th district, a memorial plaque and the Wilhelm Exner Street on the east side of the building complex are proud reminders of the WUK’s glorious past as the epicenter of technical safety.

TUV AUSTRIA Academy may appear geographically removed from these historic sites by several kilometers. Yet Prof. Wilhelm Exner’s spirit still pervades every moment on the summit of knowledge, the renowned educational institute in Lower Austria, the TUV AUSTRIA Academy.


TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is a competence center with an integrated specialist publishing company that provides training services in the fields of safety & security, technology, the environment, quality and leadership. We have chosen ‘Mit Hirn, Herz und Hand’ (‘With brain, heart and hand’) as our motto and have accordingly made it our mission to help our customers acquire specialist skills and practical knowledge and to make learning fun. 

As the training institute for the TÜV AUSTRIA Group, we are committed to significantly contributing to the Group’s development at national and international levels. In doing so, we have been supporting the founding mission – which is to increase safety, security and quality – that has been in place since 1872. 

The management at TÜV AUSTRIA Academy defines the company policy and undertakes to raise awareness for the integrated management system and to apply and continuously improve it. Corporate policy forms the framework required to achieve the Academy’s objectives.  

Quality and customer orientation
As the market leader for training in the fields of safety & security, technology, the environment, quality and leadership, we are committed to providing exemplary products and services. It is therefore essential for us to be aware of our customers’ requirements and expectations and to cater to them with our range of performances and services. Regular feedback provides us with direct information about training needs and opportunities for improvement that we then incorporate into our planning and development.

The TÜV label guarantees TÜV quality. We are aware of TÜV’s standing as a brand and, as a member of the Verband der Technischen Überwachungsvereine (VdTÜV – Association of Technical Inspection Associations), we work with great dedication and to the best of our ability on its continued existence. All employees at TÜV AUSTRIA Academy are actively involved in the process of continuous improvement and compliance with quality standards.

In the range of training opportunities that we provide, we place special emphasis on the teaching of skills that relate to sustainability, resource conservation and environmental awareness. We at TÜV AUSTRIA Academy are focused on achieving a balance between sustainable economic activities, prosperity, progress, technology and ecology. 

Our products and services, processes and organizational structures are regularly monitored and further developed in the interests of sustainability. Environmentally-friendly substitution options or recyclable products are sought wherever possible. We further make efforts to consider regional and seasonal aspects in our seminar and training operations. All our employees are required to act in an environmentally-aware manner while pursuing their activities.

Safety & Security
We attach great importance to the health and safety of our employees, participants, customers, neighbors and other persons associated with the activities of TÜV AUSTRIA Academy. Their input in regard to occupational safety and health issues contributes significantly to the continuous improvement of our integrated management system.

Safe working and training conditions, the required specialist knowledge and regular audits and inspections help minimize the risk of injuries and illnesses in advance and create a suitable environment for learning and working that is fun.

Compliance with legal requirements and basic ethical values
We at TÜV AUSTRIA Academy always act in accordance with valid standards and laws and want to give all persons unhindered access to our training opportunities. We do not provide any scope for discriminatory content or behavior either in our work within TÜV AUSTRIA Academy or in our interactions with our stakeholders.

We attempt to live what we teach our customers in our training courses. Regular information and training opportunities promote our employees’ skills and know-how. Awareness in regard to quality, the environment, safety and security is a key factor in the success that TÜV AUSTRIA Academy enjoys. 


P: +43 (0)5 0454-8000
E: academy@tuv.at

2345 Brunn am Gebirge


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