Ausbildung zum/r Certified OT Security Practitioner TÜV® (COSP)
All persons involved in a modern industrial system need basic security knowledge in order to recognize security problems and to avoid endangering industrial operations through their behavior. Within the scope of the Practitioner Training, the participants are taught the security competencies that are not only essential but also decisive for their work in the changed environment of increasing digitalization through up-to-date technical content, practical exercises and entertaining experiences from industrial security consulting practice.
- Introduction to Operational Technology (OT)
- IT security objectives - Development of OT
- OT components and terminology
- OT Incidents
- IT Basics - Network protocols
- Crypto Refresher
- Basics of network security
- Secure network protocols
- IT vs. OT Security
- Safety vs. Security
- Characteristics of OT systems vs. IT systems
- Security threats and attack vectors
- OT attackers
- OT attack vectors
- OT risk factors and threats
- OT standards overview
- NIS Guideline
- IEC 62443 - ISO 27000 & ISO 2701
- NIST 800
- 82 and CSF
- Proven security measures for OT
- Defense in Depth
- Organizational security measures
- Security Assessments and Reviews
- Configuration Management
- Network and communication security
- Component Security
- User and identity management
- and many more
To get to the German training please click here.
Industrielle Komponentenhersteller, produzierende Industrie, Maschinenbauer, Systemintegratoren, Anlagenbetreiber, Energieversorger, Betreiber kritischer Infrastruktur, Instandhaltung, Produktionstechniker, Anlagenplaner und Anlagentechniker, Betriebselektriker, Bedienpersonal von Maschinen, Verantwortliche für Anlagen-IT, zukünftige Betriebsführer und Produktionsleiter
The admission requirements for the certification examination are
- proof of completion of the "Certified OT Security Practitioner TÜV® (COSP)" training course at TÜV AUSTRIA Academy or an equivalent course
- the application for the "Certified OT Security Practitioner TÜV® (COSP)" certification examination
The certification exam takes place at the end of the seminar and is a
- written exam: 30 single choice questions; the exam is considered positive if at least 65% of the points are achieved. Exam duration: 60 minutes
- Note: The use of a dictionary is permitted for people whose native language is not German.
If you pass the certification exam and fulfill all admission requirements, you will receive the TÜV AUSTRIA personal certificate "Certified OT Security Practitioner TÜV® (COSP)", which is valid for three years.
Please also refer to the certification program. This and all other documents relating to the certification examination can be found under downloads.
To extend your certificate for a further three years,
- you must the application for re-certification
- proof of subject-specific further training of at least 8 teaching units.
(Further training courses attended within 2 years before and 6 months after expiry of the certificate are recognized)
- Proof of practical experience of at least 2 years of regular, subject-specific activity; alternatively, an expert discussion.
(The practice must take place in the period between certification and recertification, although this does not have to be continuous).
must be submitted. The application and the evidence can be sent at the earliest 6 months before and at the latest 6 months after the expiry of the certificate.
You can find the appropriate specialist further training to maintain your certificate here.
Book courses
Time: 08:30 - 16:30 Save date
Location: TÜV AUSTRIA Online Campus, Online
Course No.: 25.113.490.01
Course fee: € 2.165,00 plus 20 % VAT
Time: 08:30 - 16:30 Save date
Location: TÜV AUSTRIA AKADEMIE GMBH, Dr.-Franz-Werner-Straße 34, 6020, Innsbruck
Course No.: 25.113.490.02
Course fee: € 2.165,00 plus 20 % VAT