Kurse im Bereich Anlagensicherheit in der TÜV AUSTRIA Akademie. (c) industrieblick- stock.adobe.com

The primary purpose of a Hazard and Operability study is to identify all deviations from the way the design is expected to work, their causes, and all the hazards and operability problems associated with these deviations and make recommendations to improve its safety and operability.
Usually, a facilitated multidisciplinary team uses a systematic approach to identify hazards and operability problems.
The focus of the course will be on the basic HAZOP methodology, on important themes to be covered within the study, on requirements and restrictions, and on organizational issues. Several application examples will be worked out together with the course group.

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Alexandra Bittner

T: +43 (0)5 0454-8158
E: alexandra.bittner@tuv.at


Presence course

Training units: 24

Course fee: see course details - On request. Please note that this training course is offered as inhouse training.

Requirements: no

Inhouse Trainings

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